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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Two year old loves his iPad

How old should you be to work on the iPad? Apparantly, about 24 months should do fine. Two-year old Bridger Wilson loves to play with his father's iPad. In the video, Bridger's father instructs him to play with various apps on the devices. And, the baby obliges - flawlessly.

With just a little flick of a thumb he browses through various screens to find the correct application. Once in the drawing application, he goes around to find the stamp and brush that he wants to draw with. Now, either he is an extremely brainy kid or the iPad is an extremely easy device to manage.

The baby knows when to prop the iPad up to change the orientation and even use the icons to identify the application that he wants to play with.

No wonder Apple is minting millions with the device that is loved by users of all ages. Find the video below.

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